The weather is getting cooler and we will continue to go outdoors. Please dress your child appropriately especially with hats and gloves. If your child wears boots to school, remember to send an extra pair of shoes to change into as the classrooms can get very warm. Also, please check your child’s clothing to make sure it is marked with his/her name. We continue to encourage your child to bring his/her tote bag with them every day to school. That way we know important notices and artwork are making it home safely.
In the spirit of the Thanksgiving season, during the month of November we are encouraging each child to bring in two cans of food or other non-perishables as a contribution to the Food Pantry. A collection basket will be located outside the preschool office during school hours. Any contribution will be gratefully received.
The Threes and Pre-K classes will participate in our second annual Thanksgiving Feast on Friday, November 16th. Each child will be asked to bring in/contribute an ingredient (vegetable, broth or noodles) to put in the soup. Class room mothers will be organizing this event and asking for parent volunteers to help the children wash and cut the vegetables and cook the soup on this festive day. Please look for more details in a note that will be sent home in tote bags.
No School Thursday, November 8th and Friday, November 9thfor Parent/Teacher Fall Progress Reports.
2nd session of Spanish Enrichment taught by Li’l Language Scholars will begin the week of November 12th for children 3 years and older. The cost is $70.00 for Mondays (7 classes) and $80.00 for either Tuesdays or Wednesdays (8 classes) and runs from 12:30 to 1:00 pm right after Lunch Bunch.
2nd session of our “Once Upon a Story” enrichment class begins the week of November 12th. The cost is $87.50 for (7) classes, offered both Thursdays and Fridays to the children in The Threes and Pre-K classes and runs from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. right after Lunch Bunch.
The Threes Dad’s Day is Saturday, November, 17th from 9:00-10:15 a.m.
Pre-K Class Field Trip to see Cinderella at Marriot Lincolnshire Theatre on Thursday, December 6th at 10:00 a.m.