Monthly Newsletter
It’s hard to believe that we are almost at the end of the school year! What a wonderful year it has been. The children have grown so much and learned so many new skills. All the classes have come together beautifully as a group and have built a strong sense of community. Through circle time, creative activities, and many shared experiences, they have made wonderful new friendships. We feel blessed to have had the opportunity to be a part of your child’s early education. This month we will be saying goodbye to another group of our Pre-K friends and for many families this will be their final year at EPS. We want to wish them all the very best in their new schools this fall.
The teachers would like to thank all the families who contributed to the preschool library this year with birthday book donations. Our library continues to grow and through your support we have been able to replace some old favorites as well as strengthen many specific topics of interest to the children.
The Last Day of School
The teachers are planning a special way for each group to celebrate their last time together as a class. The last day of preschool for The Twos class is Thursday, May 23rd (9:00am-11:30am). The last day for The Threes class is Friday, May 24th (9:00am-11:30am). Pre-K graduates will begin at their regular time of 8:50am on Friday, May 24th before walking as a class to their graduation ceremony in Mary’s Garden at 10:00am. Pre-K will be dismissed at the completion of the graduation ceremony. Please note: No Lunch Bunch or Enrichment classes will be held on this day.
Pre-K Class Graduation
Pre-K families are invited to a special graduation ceremony for their preschoolers. Please join us on Friday, May 24th beginning at 10:00am in Mary’s Garden, weather permitting. We will have a short ceremony to celebrate our graduates, followed by refreshments. More details will be forthcoming via special invitation. We look forward to a wonderful celebration.