400 East Westminster Road | Lake Forest, IL 60045


Success in learning. Success in life.

Monthly Newsletter


The Twos Class News – The Twos class will complete our three-week unit on colors and engage in an exciting unit all about transportation during the month of March. We will learn about and explore the different modes of transportation (air, water, and land). We plan on discussing safety rules and how signs communicate necessary information and help us navigate during our travels.

The Threes Class News – The Threes class will complete our 2-week unit on storytelling and then begin a unit on nutrition this month. We will explore the five main food groups, discuss making healthy choices, have fun with exercise (yoga, obstacle courses, and dance) and discover many other aspects of staying healthy. March themes also include St. Patrick’s Day. On Friday, March 7th we will be having our much-anticipated Pajama Party! Don’t forget to bring your favorite stuffy and/or blanket!

Pre-K Class News – The Pre-K class will become paleontologists during our dinosaur unit.  We will delve into how dinosaurs lived, and the many theories on how/why they became extinct. The children will create a 3D volcano and research how volcanos are formed, and why they erupt! At the end of the unit, we will erupt our class volcano! During the month of March, we will focus on rhyming during our Phonemic Awareness unit. Rainbow’s will also be a focus as we move towards St Patrick’s Day, and our group project – a Leprechaun trap! Such a busy month!!