
” If you teach children what you know, they may remember enough to follow in your footsteps, but if you teach children how to learn, they can go anywhere”. – author unknown
On any given day, in our preschool classrooms, you will see children engaged in learning and play—listening, creating, imagining, singing, sharing, interacting, and concentrating. You will see our students learn about themselves and others, learn about feelings and communicating, learn about moving and doing and see them acquire thinking skills, all while building the educational foundation of “how to learn” that will prepare them for the rest of their lives.
A program designed for 2.5 year-olds. Their play is their work. It’s how they experiment, problem solve and express their ideas.
A program designed for 3 year-olds. Theirs is hands on, experiential learning, interacting with materials and others.
A program designed for 4 year-olds. Theirs is excitement, curiosity and the beginnings of collaboration. They are sponges, ready to soak everything up.